Flowering trees with berries first enliven your yard with a showy flower display and then add interest to your landscape with colorful fruit. Some berries come out while there are leaves in the tree, while others hang off bare branches, adding color to your landscape if you want it most. Many flowering trees with berries also attract birds and wildlife to your yard.
Thrives in Full Shade
Strawberry madrone (Arbutus unedo) and “Marina” madrone (A. “Marina”) are evergreen trees that grow in full shade to partial sun. Strawberry madrone bears white flowers in fall or winter that yield plenty of medium, orange or red berries in fall or winter. It grows in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 through 11. “Marina” bears pink flowers in fall that yield plenty of small, red or reddish-yellow blossoms in fall or winter. It grows in USDA zones 9 through 11.
Bears Fragrant Flowers
The igiri tree (Idesia polycarpa) provides yellow or green flowers in the summer that turn into very small brown, red or mostly green berries in the fall, growing in USDA zones 6 through 9. China berry (Melia azedarach), also referred to as bead tree, Persian lilac and pride-of-India, exhibits lavender flowers in summer or spring that turn into loads of small yellow berries in the summer, fall or winter. It grows in USDA zones 8 through 12.
Tolerates Drought
Blue dracaena (Cordyline indivisa), also referred to as the broad-leaved cabbage tree or the mountain cabbage tree, and bronze dracaena (C. australis “Atropurpurea”), exhibit fragrant white flowers in summer that become small, white or mostly blue berries in fall. Blue dracaena grows in USDA zones 9 and 10 and bronze dracaena grows in zones 8 through 10.
Produces Colorful New Growth
The brilliant new development of some flowering trees with berries brightens your landscape. Chinese photinia (Photinia serrulata) is an evergreen tree with white flowers in spring that yield small, red berries in summer or fall. It has bright bronze new development and grows in USDA zones 7 through 9. Oriental photina (P. villosa), also referred to as villose photina, is a deciduous tree with white flowers in spring that yield a lot of small red berries in fall. It has pale gold new increase and grows in USDA zones 4 through 9.