The best way to Plant Tomatoes in Cups

By starting your own tomatoes, you are provided with a better selection in types than those available at in a plant nursery. You do not require seed-starting techniques to develop tomatoes effectively or costly developing flats. In the event that you prepare them correctly plain cups are the perfect size for tomatoes. Tomatoes need six to eight months of growing time before they’re prepared to transplant. Start the seedlings indoors in early March for the Climate Zones of Sunset 14 or six months prior to the last spring frost in areas.

Poke a hole in the base of every cup using a nail. Set the cups in a tray to catch any water that drains in the soil.

Fill each cup to within 1/2 inch of the rim with a moist soil. that is potting A soil for starting seedlings formulated is most effective.

Sow two tomato seeds on the the top of soil in every cup. Cover the seeds with a 1/4 inch layer of soil that is moist. Mist the area of the soil with water to moisten the medium.

Slide the tray in the plastic bag and tie it closed. The bag helps and conserves the dampness in the soil keep warmth during germination.

Place the cups in a warm 70 to 90-degree Fahrenheit place to sprout. Tomatoes generally germinate within two months.

When the seeds germinate remove the tray. Move the plants into a window where they obtain at least six hours of sunlight. Place the plants beneath fluorescent lights for 1-4 hrs per day.

When the soil feels dry, water the seedlings. Empty the extra water in the tray after watering.

As soon as they develop their 2nd set of leaves, thin the seedlings to one-per cup. Snip off small, weaker seedling with scissors so that you do not disturb the roots of the seedling that is remaining.

Fertilize tomato seedlings every week or two, starting two months after germination. Apply a well-balanced fertilizer that is soluble in a quarter of the bundle- price that is suggested.

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