Disorders of Pineapple Plants

Pineapples (Ananas comosus) offer tart fleshy fruit and are grown in warmer tropical and sub-tropical areas such California and Hawaii. A single plant can produce fruit within many decades, with no requirement for replanting. But with prolonged growth of pineapples come the risks of the diseases which may infect them. As they are grown at ground level, several rot diseases are the most regarding with pineapples.

Black Rot

Black decay, also known as soft decay, types after harvest and is only an issue if the fruit has been damaged in some manner when picked. If this occurs, the decay may develop between the crop time and use by a consumer. Black decay is slow to establish and gets worse the more ripe pineapples are left unused. Dipping the fruit from thiabendazole or benomyl can help slow any growth of this disease.

Leaf Rot

Leaf decay in pineapples happens when planting stock is not kept dry. An excessive amount of air together with moisture causes the leaf decay, which might lead to a whole rotting of the fruit within two or three days. Spraying or dipping with dithane Z-78 will help control the disease in planting materials.

Heart Rot

Heart rot occurs before the pineapples ever leave the floor and is a result of improper soil drainage. The decay affects the central stem of the pineapple and produces a bad smell. Brown leaves are a sign that you might have heart decay on your own plants. Places that are affected need to be nourished with chlorthalonil or zineb in order to eliminate the problem.

Thielaviopsis Rot

Thielaviopsis decay is not always caused by any particular planting or handling issues; nevertheless, it will destroy a pineapple plant. It develops during the handling process, and the only sign you will have that there is an problem is that the skin will darken slightly because it is keeping additional moisture. Careful handling is the main way to prevent this disease, as well as maintaining the pineapples trendy.

Pineapple Wilt

Pineapple wilt happens when mealybugs are present and transmit the virus into the pineapple plant. Preventing this dilemma requires a therapy, not for your mealybugs, however for the ants which bring from the bugs.

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