Whether you use your garage for storage, a workshop or simply to park your vehicle, employing an epoxy coating to the ground can alter the appearance of your garage while incorporating a layer of protection to the concrete. Before installing a concrete coat, but the surface must be properly prepared to be able to ensure adequate adhesion. Acid etching is the method that’s used to provide the suitable surface for coating applications.
Wear rubber boots, protective gloves and safety glasses when working with acid etching chemicals.
Wash start the pruning process. Etching solutions do not wash the concrete. They are used to abrade the surface. Sweep the floor to remove all dust and debris. Use a tiny stiff brush or paintbrush to get into the corners where dust can accumulate. Remove in the cement using a solution.
Add the etching solution to water in a container after the instructions of the manufacturer. With a watering can will permit you to pour the solution onto the ground in a uniform way. Use a container made in an acid-resistant material such as polyethylene.
Wet the entire floor using a garden hose with a sprayer. The surface ought to be moist but with no standing water.
Apply a small amount of the etching solution to a test area to determine whether you’ve got the proper strength. It ought to bubble vigorously. If not, add more acid.
Pour over areas of the ground at one time. Scrub the distance using a stiff-bristled broom at a back-and-forth direction. Then repeat by massaging the area going from side to side. Scrub as you move, and squeegee each region.
Scrub small areas at a time until you have etched the entire garage floor. The concrete should have a roughened appearance and feel like rough sandpaper, which will enable coating to adhere properly.
Rinse the floor using a garden hose. Continue rinsing until the water runs clear.
Permit the floor to dry for at least four hours prior to applying a coat to your garage flooring.